Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Testament Survey

New Testament literally means ‘New Covenant’, which replaced the old covenant.  The New Testament begins with the Gospels & the history of Jesus & goes through the most important things we need to know to live the Christian life

The Gospels
·         Jesus was crucified & rose in three days
·         He stayed on earth for 40 days after His resurrection
o   He appeared to 100s of people
§  To demonstrate to His followers that He truly was alive
o   He walked the Earth is a ‘Spirit’ body
§  He ate & could be touched
·         Doubting Thomas
§  He walked through walls
§  This is a window to our perfected bodies
·         This radically changed the disciples
o   10 of 11 died as martyrs
§  Andrew: Martyrdom by crucifixion (bound, not nailed, to a cross)
§  Bartholomew (Often identified with Nathaniel in the New Testament): Martyrdom by being either 1. Beheaded, or 2. Flayed alive and crucified, head downward.
§  James the Greater: Martyrdom by being beheaded or stabbed with a sword
§  James the Lesser: Martyrdom by being thrown from a pinnacle of the Temple at Jerusalem , then stoned and beaten with clubs
§  John: Died of old age, but was boiled alive & sent to Patmos
§  Jude (Often identified with Thaddeus in the New Testament): Martyrdom by being beaten to death with a club.
§  Matthew: Martyrdom by being burned, stoned, or beheaded
§  Peter: Martyrdom by crucifixion at Rome with his head downwards
§  Philip: Martyrdom
§  Simon: Martyrdom by crucifixion or being sawn in half.
§  Thomas: Martyrdom by being stabbed with a spear
Acts & Paul
·         Acts
o   Jesus ascended & Peter preached
§  Led the conversion of 3000 at Pentecost
·         Feast 50 days after Passover
§  Many signs & wonders
o   The first Christian church is described
§  “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (2:47)
§  Roman & Jewish persecution
o   Stephen
§  Preached to the Sanhedrin
§  Was stoned to death by the Jews, led by Saul
o   The old covenant transition
§  The spirit living in believers
§  Peter and the unclean animals
·         Paul was Saul of Tarsus
o   He was a Pharisee and a son of a Pharisee (Acts 23:6)
§  A Hebrew of Hebrews of the tribe of Benjamin (Phil. 3:4-5)
o   He zealously persecuted the church
§  As a young Pharisee, he was present when Stephen was stoned and murdered (Acts 7:58-83)
§  He traveled with letters of arrest from the high priest and went to other cities to waste the church of Jesus Christ (Acts 26:10-11; Gal. 1:13)
§  It was on one of these missions that Saul was converted while on the road to Damascus.
o   Was also a Greek by culture
§  He was familiar with many of the sayings of classical and contemporary writers
§  Consequently, Paul was uniquely qualified to be the one chosen to carry the message of the gospel to the Gentiles
§  “I have become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22).
·         Conversion of Paul
o   While on the road to Damascus, Paul had an encounter with the glorified resurrected Christ
§  He had denied the Christian claim that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God
§  Further, he did not believe that He had risen from the dead
o   God blinded him with scales
§  He removed the scales when Paul realized Jesus was Christ
§  Thus, in the synagogues of Damascus, he proclaimed Christ as Savior
·         Paul spread the Gospel of Christ
o   Paul’s three missionary journeys (13:1–21:16)
o   His trials in Jerusalem and Caesarea (21:17–26:32)
o   His final journey to Rome (27:1–28:31)
o   Wrote 13 Epistles
§  Letters to the churches
§  Mainly instruction
§  Romans is a dense theological argument in favor of the Gospel of Christ
The Apostles & Revelations
·         Non-Pauline Epistles
o   More instruction by various authors
o   All walked with Jesus
·         Revelations
o   Says how it will end
o   God wins & the new heaven & new earth are created