Monday, March 23, 2015

Who Was Jesus?

We are using the 1st 4 books of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) as our witness.  They tell the story from 4 perspectives.

His Birth
·         He was conceived
o   Somewhere 4-6 BC (Dionysius Exiguus miscalculated)
o   Born to Mary who was probably 15 or 16yo
§  Was engaged to Joseph
o   Angel Gabriel told her she would bear a child from the Holy Spirit (Luke 1)
§  Also told Joseph
§  Mary was a virgin
o   Fulfilled prophesy
§  Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)
·         He was born
o   Caesar Augustus decreed a census, so they went to Bethlehem
o   No room in the inn (Luke 2)
§  Born in a stable in a manger
o   Wise man looking for King because of star in the East
§  Probably before he was 2yo
o   Herrod was the Roman governor of Judea
§  Massacre of the Innocents (Matthew 2)
·         Killed all boys under 2 in Bethlehem
·         Fearing an insurgence of the Jews looking for their king
o   Joseph & his family fled to Egypt
§  An angel told him to leave
§  Then he told him to come back when Herod died
o   Jesus grew up like any person
§  He had to learn in the temple
§  But he was filled with wisdom
His Life
·         Synoptic gospels tell the tale
o   Apostles: Matthew, Mark (Peter), & John
o   Luke - physician and a disciple of Paul
·         Key early events
o   Jesus baptized
§  Heaven opened & the Spirit descended on him(Matthew 3)
§  Starts his ministry at around 30
o   40 days/nights of fasting in the wilderness
§  Temptation by Satan
o   Jesus’ disciples
§  Fisherman, said they would be fishers of men
§  Tax collectors, the lowest of the low
o   First miracle (John 2)
§  Turned water to wine at a wedding
o   Went home to the temple
§  Read he fulfilled the law & they chased him out
·         Teachings
o   Sermon on the Mount
§  Likely a collection of sermons
§  Reset the way they thought of the law
·         The standard was so high that it could not be met
·         Established even the ‘holy’ as sinners
o   Parables
§  Taught in the form of stories
§  Good for the oral culture of the day
§  Used a lot of agrarian metaphors
o   Miracles
§  Too many to capture
§  Feeding the 5000
§  The Transfiguration (Moses & Elijah)
§  Healing, casting out demons, raising Lazarus from the dead
o   Greatest is the least
§  Countercultureal
§  Pharisees & Sadducees hated this
His Death & Resurrection
·         The beginning
o   Judas sold him out
o   Peter denied him
o   Pharisees orchestrated with Pilate
o   Jesus went to pray in the garden & sweat blood
·         The crucifiction
o   Greatest for of Roman torture
§  No one ever survived
o   Meant to embarrass
o   Old testament blood sacrifices
§  He took the punishment for our sins
·         The resurrection
o   On the 3rd day
o   The impossible nature of it
§  Roman guards
§  Dead is dead
o   Appeared for 40 days before he went to heaven
o   'Sold out' the apostles

§  All died as martyrs