Thursday, February 12, 2015

Has the Bible changed throughout history?

One of the questions that came up on Monday was, has the Bible been changed over the years?  You may have heard this or seen The Davinci Code or a History Channel show on the subject that attempts to cast doubt on the Bible’s history.  But, with even a few minutes of research you will find libraries full of evidence that the Bible we have today has not changed throughout history.

Unlike other religious books, the Bible is unique in that it refers to people, places, & events.  So if we find that those people, places, & events never existed, it would prove that the Bible is not true.  But in the 200+ years of modern archeology, not one accurate discovery has ever disproven even one word of the Bible.  In fact, literally thousands of discoveries have proven that what the Bible says happened actually happened.  You can see a sample of what has been discovered here.

The most significant discovery in terms of Bible archeology & the Old Testament was the Dead Sea Scrolls.  The documents found here date from about 150 BC to 50 AD…most of which pre-date Jesus.  Here they found a copy of all but one of the Old Testament books, & these scrolls match what we have in today’s Bible.  You can read about more details here.

The New Testament has even greater amounts of evidence that it has not been changed.  In fact there are so many historical documents from the first & second century that reference parts of the New Testament, you could use them to rebuild the entire New Testament but for a couple of verses!  Amazingly we have almost 24,000 copies of all or part of the New Testament that date as far back as the second century.  For most written documents this old, you see only a couple of copies existing today.  The New Testament has been incredibly well preserved.  You can read about more details here.

So it is clear that the facts support that the Bible has not changed throughout history.  If you would like more information, just let me know.